============ API overview ============ For the basic usage of Python-Markups, one should import some markup class from :mod:`markups`, create an instance of that class, and use the :meth:`~markups.abstract.AbstractMarkup.convert` method: >>> import markups >>> markup = markups.ReStructuredTextMarkup() >>> markup.convert('*reStructuredText* test').get_document_body() '

reStructuredText test

\n' For advanced usage (like dynamically choosing the markup class), one may use one of the functions documented below. Getting lists of available markups ================================== .. autofunction:: markups.get_all_markups .. autofunction:: markups.get_available_markups Getting a specific markup ========================= .. autofunction:: markups.get_markup_for_file_name .. autofunction:: markups.find_markup_class_by_name .. _configuration-directory: Configuration directory ======================= Some markups can provide configuration files that the user may use to change the behavior. These files are stored in a single configuration directory. If :envvar:`XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is defined, then the configuration directory is it. Otherwise, it is :file:`.config` subdirectory in the user's home directory.